I like the format with one story. As for this current post, the part where you wrote that running away from a problem won't solve it, and it often leaves the problem behind with others to live with. I've learned that lesson over the years dealing with my father's suicide. He got out, but left the rest of us with the problems. I've come to see suicide as a very selfish act despite knowing the reasons one might decide to do it.

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This is quite heartfelt to me. You had no choice but to learn to cope with something that can be extremely hard to do, and I feel for you. To a lesser degree of intensity, I've also seen people selfishly allow their problems to add weight or burden the people they're supposed to love. It can hurt. It can leave you cleaning up a problem they chose to leave around you. Leaving a lasting mark. This post should tie in with what I wrote about my favourite question "So, what are you going to do about it?" in the sense of healing, improving, working towards mastery. Because it's something we must keep asking ourselves and others we care about who are running from their problems.

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