i am 75 and now find that the issue for us retirees SOMETIMES is taking time ON. by 5 pm i have read my morning mail, read the new york times almost cover to cover, been to yoga class, had lunch maybe with a few sips of wine, and sat in hot tub 20 or 40 minutes. there is nothing left but after dinner but play some more with our puppies and wait for college basketball season. life is good but it took some adjustment. funerals are a definite adjustment. i lost my 94 year old mom last december but all i coud say is "she did a great job of dying." she was able to be alert untll all of her friends and family could visit one last time and then she died peacefully.

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Hey Gary. I'm truly sorry to hear about your mom. I can only imagine how tough it is to adjust to this, and I feel I could certainly learn from you in that aspect. What makes me happy is to hear life is good for you, that you are able to enjoy the small details that add up and bring peace to your day. I hope to continue similarly as you do in my life.

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