First and foremost, thank you for being part of the start of this journey.
We’re at the beginning of a new story about closing the gap between yourself today and the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be.
Starting from the inside out.
“My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.” — Abraham Lincoln
A short story on failure:
I recently read a story from the CEO and founder of Gumroad, Sahil Lavingia, who set himself on a quest to create a billion-dollar company, needless to say, he was unsuccessful.
But because he brought his new company through both staggering growth and devastating hardship, the great failure he had turned out more useful than if he had actually reached his goal. Here are three lessons he learned that you can take for yourself.
1. Be careful with how you measure success.
Goodhart’s Law states that “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to become a good measure.”
It means that rather than setting your goal as a single target, aim your goal to be that which considers multiple factors.
Instead of setting a goal to lose 5lbs, create a fitness goal to create a system (routine) that helps optimise your diet, sleep, stress and exercise routine for you.
2. Focus on the long-term.
Train your mind to work harder for long-term rewards instead of short-term gratification.
Whether you’re building better fitness or an entire business, the long-term value you can create for yourself and/or others will serve you with far greater rewards than trying to go for quick and easy incentives.
To do that, focus your energy on creating value that compounds or adds to yours or others’ long-term success, rather than trying to capture it for yourself.
3. Always be honest with yourself.
Don’t look for shortcuts. Shortcuts are often longer roads in disguise.
Reflect each week and analyse what your problems were this past week and brainstorm what you can do to remove them so you can be stronger and more successful during the next week.
“Failure is your unexpected lesson for growth that helps you to be better when you least expect it.” — JOXEN.
Have a great week.
— Jelani.
Further reading to keep you going.
Why You Need to Build Great Systems, Not Goals
The Best Principle About Patience You’ll Hear Today
Comfort Holds You Back. Uncomfortable Places Are Where You Need to Be to Grow.