Welcome to Self-Mastery — a place for exploring timeless ideas to become the architect of your mind, create yourself, and do less, better.
“Change the way you think, feel, speak and act, and you begin to change your world.”
— Kenneth James Michael MacLean
The Law of Vibration extends beyond the traditional Law of Attraction. It’s a key component to a greater life. One of the few things that, once applied, can transform the way your life creates happiness and handles difficulties. I didn’t realise it at first, but this concept made one of the largest contributions to helping me change my life over a year ago—without me even knowing it.
It isn’t a shortcut to avoiding all problems. But it shows you how to take control and create a life that feels as good as it looks.
Think back to one of the earliest authors of self-improvement literature: Napoleon Hill. Reflecting on his 1937 book Think and Grow Rich (a revelating read if you haven’t read it already), he interviewed 500 successful men and women to uncover the attributes to their success.
He strived to share that wisdom in his book. And among his conclusions, he stated: “We are what we are, because of the vibrations of thought which we pick up and register, through the stimuli of our daily environment.”
He made several references to vibration, as does the book I’m currently reading about it. In today’s world, this term is often called ‘vibe’.
More modern editions removed Hill’s mentions of the word vibration—perhaps the publishers didn’t think people would grasp it at the time. And even today, metaphysical laws related to vibration are criticised due to the lack of scientific evidence. Some consider it no more than pseudoscience.
However, people like Dr Bruce Lipton are at the forefront of bridging this gap between science and spirituality.
“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.”
— Dr Bruce Lipton
Whether it’s axiomatic or not, I’ve found the Law of Vibration to resonate profoundly with me. It helped me make sense of my life and understand the way I think. Whether you believe in it or remain on the other side of the fence, the Law of Vibration does no harm. I want it to help you achieve more.
What is the Law of Vibration?
Everything is made up of atoms, and inside every atom is a tiny vibration. Matter and energy are vibrational by nature—an idea that quantum physics firmly supports. And so the Law of Vibration believes that everything exists, fundamentally, as vibration.
You can break it down into three core ideas:
Everything is energy.
Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create your vibration.
When you change your vibration, everything changes.
“As soon as you start to tell yourself in your perception that you can’t do something anymore, then your biological system will adjust to prove you right. You will not do what you think you can’t do.”
— Dr Bruce Lipton
Reality as we perceive it occurs through matching vibrations. In other words, we see what we naturally align with. If we are stressed or angry and suffer from a low vibration, we will also see our problems and environment as stressful or enraging.
For example, the human ear exclusively hears sound waves between 20 and 20,000 vibrations per second. This doesn’t mean other sound waves don’t exist; we just can’t perceive them. The same way a dog whistle alerts the dog but doesn’t exist to us.
And in his book The Vibrational Universe, Kenneth James Michael MacLean says that our five senses, thoughts, and matter and energy are all vibrational. He argues that reality is perception defined by vibrational interpretation. Our universe is a deep sea of vibrational frequencies, meaning that reality is a vibrational ether that’s responsive to vibration changes.
It’s assumed that the Law of Vibration says we can control our reality.
There’s truth to this. When I was at my lowest point—a little over a year ago—it wasn’t until I changed how I saw my reality, thoughts, beliefs and emotional responses that my life began to mould differently. I landed on a new beginning. A life that I could never have predicted, where I’d be happier, confident, and find it easier to find peace in every situation.
By altering my reality—my perception of my inner and outer world—I saw things differently. My preexisting rage and irrational habits died out. My future developed direction. I realised I was creating myself as who I wanted to be, the person I needed to be.
Understanding Your Vibration
To receive or perceive the reality you want, you need to be in energetic harmony with that which you desire. Everything must align.
“Integrity is when what you think and what you say and what you do are one.”
— Naval
Your emotions are a true reflection of your energy. Sometimes, we might believe we're in a positive state of mind or taking good actions; but deep down, we know we’re not. We’re pretending. If you focus on your emotions, you can see your vibration's true nature and, therefore, what you’re attracting into your life.
If you feel good, you’ll think good thoughts. As a result, you’ll take positive actions. I knew I resonated with the Law of Vibration because I wouldn’t have become a writer if I hadn't. I wouldn’t be here, writing to you, the wonderful reader.
How to Raise Your Vibration
Emotion is one of the most powerful vibrations you can control. Fundamentally, positive emotions are what we’re all in search of; so, we can infer that our quest in life is to experience good vibrations.
Think about it, when you feel good, let’s say you felt well hydrated, you slept well, ticked off your to-do list, listened to a great playlist on Spotify that makes you want to dance; when you feel this good, your life also appears to be good.
If you continuously experience good vibes, you’d always view your life in a positive light.
Physician Dr Hans Jenny illustrated this in a study of visible sound and vibration. They sprinkled sand onto a flat metal plate made to vibrate at different frequencies when stroking a violin bow upon its edge. The sand would form into standing wave patterns, such as simple concentric circles. And the higher the frequency, the more complex the shapes produced—with certain shapes displaying similarities to traditional mandala designs.
Ideally, we want to feel as loving and joyful as we can in life. The highest-vibrating feelings. It helps us manifest more of what we want—and, by extension, creates more good vibrations. In contrast, feelings of hatred, anger, and despair have a very low vibration. They attract more of what we don’t want.
To receive good vibes, you must project good vibes. The vibrations we put out are always pulling in stuff that’s vibrating at a similar frequency. Whatever we put out into the universe will be returned to us through matching vibrations. I saw this mostly during school. When I was more negative as a person, I slowly lost people around me and found myself around other negative kids. But as I became more positive, self-loving, and healthy, I found happiness in being alone. I eventually became closer friends with happier people, and I knit tighter bonds with the friendships I still have today, around 5 or 6 years later.
Don’t be fooled by the misconception that you’ll feel good once you have what you want. The truth is, you can feel good right now.
“The feelings we project are returned on a like-for-like basis through our experiences.”
— Vex King
Ultimately, self-love and raising your level of vibration go hand in hand. When you make an effort to raise your vibration, you show yourself the love and care you deserve. You’ll feel good and attract good. By taking positive actions and changing your mindset, you’ll manifest better things. By loving yourself, you’ll begin to live a life you love.
What’s on My Mind
If we want to achieve above-average results, we need to say no to average opportunities. That includes the opportunities we give to ourselves.
To become a great writer, I had to say no to things that weren’t great opportunities for me. I had to say no to bad books, people, events and ideas.
If you spend all your time chasing average opportunities and low standards, there’ll be no time for better ones.
"The most important things can’t be taught, they must be learned. Just because you can’t be taught what you need doesn’t mean you can absolve yourself from learning. You can learn the principles but you can’t learn the patience. You can copy the answer but not the understanding and confidence. These you need to learn on your own."
— Farnam Street
Article of the Week
One of this week’s articles is 6 core exercises we should be doing every day. They take no longer than 15 minutes—but they’ll do enough to strengthen you for a lifetime.
Interesting Thing of the Week
A Google Earth-type representation of the planet. Every green dot is a radio station. Click any dot to listen in.
Question of the Week
Which 3 people are you thankful to have in your life?
Have a stellar week.