Change is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth.
Jack Canfield
By now, I’m sure you’re aware of the latest events around the world. The truth is, we’ve just witnessed our most significant inflection point in changing the way people around the world should think about each other.
And no matter who you are, you can’t completely ignore the noise that echos around you.
But what you can do is take breaks more often to allow yourself time to clear your mind and reflect on yourself, how you think and how well aligned you are with your goals and the world around you.
A lot of what you hear and see online takes a severe toll on your mind. Because of that, your judgement is likely to be negatively influenced by the bad energy and neuroticism of conflicting opinions around you.
That’s why breaks are essential. In fact, we can’t afford to not take more mental breaks.
And another thing. If there’s one thing you should take from what’s happening, as the title says, it’s to believe you are capable of anything so long as you have the confidence and belief that you can change for the better.
You and I are not perfect beings. We never will be and shouldn’t be expected to be. But we are perfect at one thing, and that’s changing.
Change is inevitable, and your world will keep changing. Take it as unlimited golden opportunities to be better for yourself and those around you. You’ll reach everything you want this way.
So, take this message today:
Give yourself more breaks from the noise around you. And dedicate most of your time to reflecting, analysing and appreciating those rare moments of silence.
Believe you can change, then find a new way each day to be that little bit better.
Have a great week.
— Jelani.
Further reading: